David Starr Dunn

Welcome to my site! I'm a software developer and musician living in beautiful Denver, Colorado. Here, you can find out more about what I do and how to get ahold of me.

Some of my Work:

SeeTune in an interactive visualization app for spotify users to explore and compare characteristics of their top tracks.- (React, Express, D3.js, Spotify api)

Upload images and explore users' profiles and collections. - (React/Redux, Express, Multer middleware, Postgres, FireBase)

Find out what's going on in your city this week. - (React/Redux, Thunk middleware, Google Maps, Eventful api)

Generate and save custom color palletes and pallete sets. - (Express, jQuery, Chai)

An exercise in building a complex layout with html and css according to a example image. - (HTML5, CSS3)

This freecodecamp.com project built on codepen was an early milestone for me. - (HTML5, CSS3, jQuery)


Turing School of Software and Design

Certificate in Front End Engineering

An intensive full-time seven month program focusing on "strong foundations in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript", as well as object-oriented programming, testing, and application architecture.


(Pro)Javascript and Python2 curricula

An online recource for learning programming through tutorials and exercises.


Programming for Everybody, Python Data Structures, Using Python to Access Web Data

Three video courses taught my Charles Severance of the University of Michigan, covering programming basics in Python2.


Javascript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification

Estimated at 300 hours, this is one of the many certifications available from this excellent open recourse. In addition, I completed several front end projects according to defined user stories, including a JS calculator and Pomodoro Clock.

University of Colorado, Denver

Bachelor of Science in Music (Music Business/Guitar)

Undergraduate program involving instruction in performance, music theory, audio engineering, marketing, law, and finance.

About Me:

Though I grew up in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains in Blacksburg, Virginia, I’m happy to call Denver my home since earning my bachelor's degree here.

I started exploring programming in my spare time a few years ago and have since turned it into a career that I love. In fall 2018, I graduated from Turing School of Software and Design, and have since then continued to explore new technologies and develop my skills. I love the puzzle solving aspect of coding, and that it feels like building little machines that get jobs done. I currently am on the development team at TRIBUS, building sites and services for real estate brokerages.

Making music has been a major part of my life since I picked up the guitar at age 12. My musical influences range from jazz and American roots music to punk-rock and rock-steady. Through music, I’ve had the privilege of traveling to spectacular places around the country and the world, and being introduced to great friends, including many in Denver's awesome music scene! You can catch me most Sundays playing in a gypsy-jazz/surf/swing guitar duo at Spangalang brewery in Five Points. I also play in a rock band, and do the occasional folk duo gig with my dad in the Colorado high country.

When I'm not coding or playing an instrument these days, I enjoy hiking and mountain biking, reading, live music, a good beer, and generally exploring new places and meeting diverse and interesting people.
